Thanks for your interest in getting in touch! Because of the dynamic nature of chronic illness, we’re not able to respond to all contact requests.
- If you’re interested in sharing your own chronic illness story on the podcast: please head to the Share Your Story page and fill out the form linked on that page. It may take quite a while to hear from us because we’re currently recording ~10 episodes per year, but that could change!
- If you’re looking for advice about living & coping with chronic illness: your best bet is to share your question on twitter using our community hashtag #NEISVoid. We retweet almost every question to our community from @RTsFromTheVoid within 1-2 days, so it’s much more effective than getting lost in one of our infrequently monitored inboxes.
- If you have a media or consulting request for Brianne: please fill out the form below and we’ll do our best to follow up in a timely manner. We appreciate your understanding about the ways that illness flares may sometimes make that impossible.